Pricing & Payments

Pricing varies with the services rendered. Most escorts are provided on a first come first served basis. If you desire to reserve an escort, that can be arranged under a different fee schedule.


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First Come First Served

Most escorts are provided for an initial fee of $90. This provides an escort for the first 2 hours. There is an additional $30 per hour charge for time beyond 2 hours. Max of $180. This price applies for escorts provided between 8AM and 5PM except weekends and holidays. Escorts between 5PM and 8AM and weekends and holidays are at 1 ½ times the regular rate.



Reservations are honored, but at the rate of $55 hour with a 4 hour minimum. Again, services provided between 5PM and 8AM and weekends and holidays are at 1 ½ times that rate.


No Loads

No loads are at the rate of $60.


Privately Owned Vehicles

Individuals shipping or receiving their own private vehicles as part of an international move are charged a flat $90.

Military rate is $50.



Payment may be made by cash, credit card and certain checks. Acceptable checks are COMCHEKS, T-Check and EFS. We do not provide any type of fleet checks.

Company checks are accepted arranged prior to services rendered. We do not accept personal checks.

NOTE: We reserve to the right to change our rates without notice.